Wednesday, 29 April 2009

BlackBerryContact Phone Numbers

Retrieving BlackBerryContact phone numbers and the labels then showing it in a dialog to let user to choose.

BlackBerryContact c;

Find out the number of phone numbers saved under a contact


Setup variables to hold the numbers and their labels.
phoneNumbers = new String[phoneCount];
labels = new String[phoneCount];
String label = "";

Go through a loop to get the numbers and find out the label

for(int i = 0; i < phoneCount; i++)
//Fetch the phone number
String phoneNumber = c.getString(BlackBerryContact.TEL, i);

//Determine the label for that number
if(c.getAttributes(BlackBerryContact.TEL,i) == BlackBerryContact.ATTR_MOBILE)
label = "mobile";
else if(c.getAttributes(BlackBerryContact.TEL,i) == BlackBerryContact.ATTR_WORK)
label = "work";
else if(c.getAttributes(BlackBerryContact.TEL,i) == BlackBerryContact.ATTR_HOME)
label = "home";

//Add the number and label to the array.
phoneNumbers[i] = phoneNumber;
labels[i] = label;

}//end of for loop

Display the number in a Dialog.ask

StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

//If more than one numbers found
if(phoneCount > 1)
  int choice = Dialog.ask("Which number to use?",labels,0);
  if (choice == 0)
  else if (choice == 1)
  else if (choice == 2)
  else if(choice == Dialog.CANCEL)

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