Wednesday, 1 April 2009

On Device Debugging in Sony Ericsson

Sony Ericsson provides a very useful tool for us developers which is the On-Device Debugging. What makes it better is that they even have a wiki on this to document the steps on how to do an On-Device Debugging. Below is a useful video to help you out. It is however applicable for Java Platform 8 and above(probably).

For those below Java Platform 8, the steps are very similar to the one shown below. Only difference is that you need to find out the port number and select it in the Connection Proxy to connect the device to the PC.

Please take note that to enable Java Developer Mode(JP-8 Phones)
Click Right * Left Left * Left *

For phones of lower than JP-8, there is no need to enable the Java Developer Mode.


Anonymous said...

it was so good but i have a problem that i test many model of sony ericsson mobile phone and i couldn't found the java mode in them could you help me
thanks alot

blah said...

Hi nasrin. Thanks for visiting here. First of all, are you using a JP-8 phone or JP-7(or lower)?

Enabling Java Mode is only needed in a JP-8 phone.

Alvaro Victor Cavalcanti said...

I'm trying to use a W890i but the network connection can't get an IP no matter what I do. :o(

Do you know how to solve this?

blah said...


I am not sure what you meant by you can't get an IP.

First of all, after connecting the phone, do you see any of the Local Area Network being connected? That should be the phone getting connected.

You then need to disable the windows firewall from the options and from the one you are running in your computer(eg norton).

If that is not the case, try this:
The device never gets an IP, it's stuck in 'Acquiring network address'

When connecting the device to the computer via the usb-cable the local interface never gets an IP. It just keeps trying to acquire an internet address without succeeding.

Cause The IPProvider tries to 'give out' IP-addresses on a subnet which is already used by the local computer and a collision(another internet host already has this IP) occurs.

Solution Update the file ipprovider.settings to start using another subnet. The file can be found here: \SonyEricsson\JavaME_SDK_CLDC\OnDeviceDebug\lib\

If all else fails, get help from the SE forum. :)

Srinath Gamage said...

Hi ,
This doesn't directly relate to this article but think you can help me.
I have developed a game and I have following issue.
The game loads and plays well from the “Organizer–>File Manager–>Games” menu but does not load at all from the “Entertainment–>Games” menu.
This issue is there when I tested on W995 but works fine on k800i.
Can YOU help me to figure out the issue?
Thank you.

blah said...

Hi Bugz, thank you for visiting this blog.

This blog is just a documentation of my work and its not meant for me to offer help especially with totally unrelated topics. If you are stuck, you could do debugging to find out what goes wrong with the code. You can even go to the Sony Ericsson Developer's forums where I'm sure many would help you.

Srinath Gamage said...

Thanks, ya I also contacted them.

Unknown said...

Hi :) i've got an idea for a firewall in J2me and i want it to run in the background and attach itself to applications using that connect to the net (widgets?) :) scott :) +